Shock wave therapy for heel spurs: application and benefits
Shock wave therapy is a reliable procedure for heel spurs.Find out everything you need to know about heel pain and its treatment here or make an appointment with sportsmed.berlin, our sports orthopaedist in Berlin.
The most important facts in brief
- A heel spur is a thorn-shaped calcium deposit that promotes inflammation and can therefore cause pain in the heel.
- Shock waves are used to break up the deposits, which are then broken down by the body.
- The best way to alleviate the pain is to combine several therapy components.
What is heel spur?
Pain in the heel, which initially only occurs during exertion and later also at rest, is often caused by what is known as a heel spur. This is a thorn-shaped ossificationthat rubs against the tendon plates and can cause inflammation. The condition is by no means rare: Around 10 percent of the population will suffer from heel spurs in their lifetime. Overloading due to incorrect footwear, obesity, shortened calf muscles or foot misalignment can all contribute to the condition.
How shock wave therapy works
Shock waves are high-energy waves, that are transmitted directly to the body using a device. They easily penetrate soft tissue, such as skin, muscles or tendons, because these can give way. However, bony calcium deposits, or tendons, because these can give way. However, bony calcium deposits, such as in heel spurs, can be destroyed, using focused shock wave treatment. This removes the cause of the inflammation and accelerates the healing process.
Application and prospects of success
For the treatment of heel pain, two to three treatments with shock waves are often sufficient to break up the heel spur. The body then needs some time to remove the calcium deposits and fight off the inflammation. There may be an initial aggravation after the treatment, but this does not last longer than two to three days.
Shockwave therapy generally achieves very good results and rapid pain relief. Only around one in ten people do not respond to the treatment. Other therapy methods can then be used.
Other treatment options
For rapid pain relief, shock wave therapy for heel spurs is best supplemented by other measures:
- Relief: Taking a break from sport and taking a lot of weight off your feet relieves the pain and helps the inflammation to subside.
- Insoles: Orthopaedic insoles for shoes can relieve the affected area if rest is not possible.
- Cold: Applying cold can relieve the pain and at the same time counteract the inflammatory reaction.
- Massages: Fascia rollers or gentle massages reduce the pressure on the tendons and therefore often also the pain.
- Medication: Pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory agents can be used temporarily, but do not eliminate the cause.
- Injections: A stubborn heel spur can be treated with anti-inflammatory injections.