We treat the entire specÂtrum of orthopaedic conÂdiÂtionsbased on decades of expeÂriÂence and curÂrent, guideÂline-based treatÂment approachÂes. As docÂtors, we make use of all posÂsiÂbilÂiÂties to ensure that surÂgiÂcal treatÂment is only conÂsidÂered as the last posÂsiÂble option. We use medÂical equipÂment to supÂport the conÂserÂvÂaÂtive options, such as physÂioÂtherÂaÂpy and pain medÂicaÂtion, in order to find in ErwäÂgung zu ziehen. HierÂbei hilÂft die appaÂrÂaÂtive MediÂzin zur UnterÂstĂĽtzung der konÂserÂvÂaÂtivÂen MöglichkeitÂen, wie PhysÂioÂtherÂaÂpie und SchmerzmedikaÂtion, um eine speziell a cusÂtomized soluÂtion for your treatÂment .
As sports orthopaedists, we speÂcialÂize in injuries, illÂnessÂes and pain that occur durÂing and as a result of sport, as well as sports injuries. This is because athÂletes often have speÂcial requireÂments and have difÂferÂent conÂdiÂtions to othÂer patients. Our aim as docÂtors is to use our serÂvices and therÂaÂpies to ensure that you can use your full potenÂtial at all times and purÂsue your sport withÂout restricÂtions.
As sports medÂiÂcine speÂcialÂist in Berlin we place parÂticÂuÂlar emphaÂsis on injury preÂvenÂtion.With regÂuÂlar check-up appointÂments, you can often effecÂtiveÂly preÂvent seriÂous injuries or chronÂic comÂplaints caused by poor posÂture or musÂcuÂlar imbalÂances. If you start earÂly with conÂserÂvÂaÂtive therÂaÂpy to proÂmote regenÂerÂaÂtion, you can often avoid surÂgiÂcal treatÂment. This is why we also offer intenÂsive care for athÂletes and teams. Our focus is on sports such as
Make an appointÂment at our pracÂtice now and let us conÂvince you of our extenÂsive diagÂnosÂtic posÂsiÂbilÂiÂties and modÂern treatÂment methÂods!
Thanks to our speÂcial agreeÂment with our partÂner pracÂtice, you don’t have to wait long for an appointÂment at a radiÂolÂoÂgy departÂment, even for a comÂplex MRI examÂiÂnaÂtion. Instead, the rapid examÂiÂnaÂtion and imagÂing ensures that we can treat your injury and the resultÂing comÂplaints as quickÂly as posÂsiÂble and that you will soon be fit for sport again thanks to the right therÂaÂpy.
No clear diagÂnoÂsis can be made withÂout detailed diagÂnosÂtics. In orthopaedics, howÂevÂer, this forms the basis for approÂpriÂate treatÂment. ParÂticÂuÂlarÂly with regard to the preÂvenÂtion of future injuries, we also take deep staÂbilÂiÂty and deep mobilÂiÂty into account in our diagÂnosÂtics, as well as recÂogÂnizÂing posÂsiÂble incorÂrect posÂtures. The diagÂnosÂtic options at our orthopaedic pracÂtice in Berlin include
We have a wide range of sciÂenÂtifÂiÂcalÂly sound and effecÂtive treatÂment options availÂable for our patients. DependÂing on the clinÂiÂcal picÂture, we work with you to decide on the treatÂment that best suits you, your sympÂtoms and your sportÂing plans for the future.
In the musÂcuÂloskeleÂtal sysÂtem, it is priÂmarÂiÂly the joints, tenÂdons, ligÂaÂments and musÂcles that can show varÂiÂous changes.
In the case of acute injuries or damÂage caused by chronÂic mechanÂiÂcal overÂload, the body actiÂvates a variÂety of regenÂerÂaÂtive mechÂaÂnisms to heal the tisÂsue. This can lead to disÂorÂders, parÂticÂuÂlarÂly in the case of proÂlonged coursÂes. Platelet-rich plasÂma (PRP), also known as autolÂoÂgous blood therÂaÂpy, is obtained from a blood samÂple that is cenÂtrifuged to proÂduce a conÂcenÂtraÂtion of platelets. The actiÂvaÂtion of these platelets induces a large numÂber of proÂteins such as growth facÂtors and anti-inflamÂmaÂtoÂry agents. These have a strongÂly posÂiÂtive effect on regenÂerÂaÂtion and the healÂing process. The anaÂbolÂic, i.e. anaÂbolÂic effect, leads to a sigÂnifÂiÂcant accelÂerÂaÂtion of holisÂtic therÂaÂpy (physÂioÂtherÂaÂpy, relief) in the short and mediÂum term and proÂvides direcÂtionÂal supÂport.
The increasÂing expeÂriÂence with this techÂnique over the last 15 years shows the resoundÂing sucÂcess of workÂing with the body’s own defensÂes.
Areas of appliÂcaÂtion
OsteoarthriÂtis of the large joints (hip, knee, ankle, shoulÂder, elbow)
TenÂdon attachÂment inflamÂmaÂtion (e.g. trochanteric burÂsiÂtis, GTPS, parÂtial Achilles tenÂdon tears)
Tennis and golfer’s elbow, heel pain/plantar tenÂdon fasciÂitis)
TenÂdon damÂage (e.g. patelÂlar tendonitis/jumper’s knee)
MusÂcle Injuries
What is joint wear and tear?
InflamÂmaÂtion and degenÂerÂaÂtive changes in joints, such as carÂtiÂlage disÂeases and osteoarthriÂtis, and/or in tenÂdons (tendiÂnosis) can lead to severe restricÂtions in qualÂiÂty of life due to pain and deteÂriÂoÂraÂtion in mobilÂiÂty. The reducÂtion in activÂiÂty can also lead to secÂondary probÂlems (e.g. weight gain, increase in blood presÂsure, social withÂdrawÂal, etc.).
TreatÂment helps to staÂbiÂlize the qualÂiÂty of life and slow down the aging process. PreÂvenÂtion is the key word in orthoÂpeÂdics. It is thereÂfore imporÂtant to preÂvent and counÂterÂact furÂther deteÂriÂoÂraÂtion at an earÂly stage. In comÂbiÂnaÂtion with physÂioÂtherÂaÂpy and optionÂal iniÂtial drug treatÂment, there is a sigÂnifÂiÂcant improveÂment in sympÂtoms if the indiÂcaÂtions are corÂrect.
What is hyaluronÂic acid?
HyaluronÂic acid is a proÂtein that occurs natÂuÂralÂly in the body in varÂiÂous tisÂsues, includÂing carÂtiÂlage. InjecÂtions of hyaluronÂic acid are an estabÂlished treatÂment option for carÂtiÂlage disÂeases and incipÂiÂent osteoarthriÂtis. This can improve the funcÂtion of the joint and sigÂnifÂiÂcantÂly reduce pain. This reduces the need for painkillers and improves qualÂiÂty of life. FurÂtherÂmore, the treatÂment delays the furÂther proÂgresÂsion of degenÂerÂaÂtion, among othÂer things by stimÂuÂlatÂing the body’s own hyaluronÂic acid proÂducÂtion. HyaluronÂic acid can also be used sucÂcessÂfulÂly on tenÂdons and ligÂaÂments.
“InjecÂtions of hyaluronÂic acid are an estabÂlished treatÂment option for carÂtiÂlage disÂeases and incipÂiÂent osteoarthriÂtis.“
ShockÂwave therÂaÂpy origÂiÂnalÂly comes from renal medÂiÂcine, where patients with inopÂerÂaÂble kidÂney stones were sucÂcessÂfulÂly treatÂed.
As these conÂsist of calÂciÂum, orthoÂpeÂdic surÂgeons have adoptÂed this techÂnique for the treatÂment of calÂciÂfied shoulÂders. This showed that inflamÂmaÂtoÂry conÂdiÂtions and irriÂtaÂtions could also be treatÂed sucÂcessÂfulÂly. The therÂaÂpy could also be used for othÂer conÂdiÂtions such as tenÂnis elbow, burÂsiÂtis and othÂer musÂcuÂloskeleÂtal disÂorÂders.
ExtraÂcorÂpoÂreÂal shockÂwave therÂaÂpy (ESWT) works with high-enerÂgy, audiÂble sound waves that are sent over the surÂface of the body into the depths and thus to the desired tarÂget strucÂture. This increasÂes blood flow to the tisÂsue and releasÂes growth facÂtors via a process called mechanÂotransÂducÂtion. Both conÂtribute to the actiÂvaÂtion of the body’s self-healÂing powÂers and thus to faster regenÂerÂaÂtion. This techÂnique has become estabÂlished in sport for a variÂety of overuse-relatÂed comÂplaints, chronÂic pain or degenÂerÂaÂtive disÂeases.
Areas of appliÂcaÂtion
ShoulÂder pain, e.g. calÂciÂfied shoulÂder
TenÂnis elbow, golfer’s elbow
PatelÂla tip synÂdrome (jumper’s knee)
Shin splints
Achilles tenÂdon pain (AchilloÂdyÂnia)
Heel spur (planÂtar tenÂdon fasciÂitis)
MusÂcle tenÂsion (trigÂger point treatÂment), musÂcle injuries
IT band synÂdrome (runner’s knee)
BurÂsiÂtis (inflamÂmaÂtion of the burÂsa)
InjecÂtion therÂaÂpy with herbal & minÂerÂal comÂplex prepaÂraÂtions
For inflamÂmaÂtoÂry and degenÂerÂaÂtive disÂeases of the musÂcuÂloskeleÂtal sysÂtem such as bruisÂes, sprains, disÂloÂcaÂtions, tenÂdonitis and burÂsiÂtis or osteoarthriÂtis of the joints, we offer injecÂtions with herbal and minÂerÂal comÂplex prepaÂraÂtions. AccordÂing to curÂrent knowlÂedge, the herbal and minÂerÂal comÂpoÂnents probÂaÂbly restore the balÂance of the “inflamÂmaÂtoÂry sysÂtem” on an epiÂgeÂnetÂic levÂel. They have a deconÂgesÂtant, pain-relievÂing and anti-inflamÂmaÂtoÂry effect.
CorÂtiÂsone and othÂer clasÂsic anti-inflamÂmaÂtoÂry agents can effecÂtiveÂly interÂrupt inflamÂmaÂtoÂry chains in cerÂtain areas, but they also hinÂder the healÂing effect of the inflamÂmaÂtoÂry process. We thereÂfore try to avoid corÂtiÂsone injecÂtions whenÂevÂer posÂsiÂble.
InfilÂtraÂtion TherÂaÂpy
DurÂing an infilÂtraÂtion, a medÂicaÂtion is adminÂisÂtered to the body via a syringe.
The neeÂdle gets under the skin, into a joint, into a musÂcle or into the spinal canal. This allows the medÂicaÂtion to act directÂly on the area causÂing the pain. The injecÂtion usuÂalÂly conÂtains a local anesÂthetÂic, hyaluronÂic acid, PRP or Traumeel. Of course, we taiÂlor the approÂpriÂate therÂaÂpy to the diagÂnoÂsis.
Areas of appliÂcaÂtion
Nerve root irriÂtaÂtion
ChronÂic pain
Acute injuries
InfuÂsion TherÂaÂpy
We have a wide range of therÂaÂpy options at our disÂposÂal. DependÂing on the clinÂiÂcal picÂture, we decide on the form of therÂaÂpy that supÂports your regenÂerÂaÂtion process in the best posÂsiÂble and, above all, susÂtainÂable way.
A balÂanced diet rich in proÂtein and vitÂaÂmins plays a key role for our body.
A balÂanced diet rich in proÂtein and vitÂaÂmins plays a key role for our body. HowÂevÂer, defiÂcienÂcies usuÂalÂly play a major role in susÂcepÂtiÂbilÂiÂty to injury, the develÂopÂment of illÂness and lowÂer enerÂgy levÂels in everyÂday life. To elimÂiÂnate these limÂitÂing facÂtors, infuÂsion therÂaÂpy is an optiÂmal treatÂment taiÂlored to you. Whether it is used for regenÂerÂaÂtion after intenÂsive sportÂing activÂiÂties or to staÂbiÂlize the body’s own defences, infuÂsion therÂaÂpy priÂmarÂiÂly proÂvides balÂance. The infusions conÂtain fluÂids, amino acids, vitÂaÂmins, elecÂtrolytes and antioxÂiÂdants. The direct supÂply via the blood is parÂticÂuÂlarÂly suitÂable for peoÂple with a senÂsiÂtive stomÂach. ComÂpared to food supÂpleÂments, which are absorbed via the digesÂtive tract, infusions have a 100% absorpÂtion rate and reach the tarÂget site directÂly to unfold their effect immeÂdiÂateÂly. This means that the fluÂid balÂance and vitÂaÂmin and micronuÂtriÂent requireÂments can be quickÂly balÂanced.
Areas of appliÂcaÂtion
After intenÂsive sportÂing activÂiÂty (e.g. marathon)
MusÂcle atroÂphy (sarÂcopeÂnia)
RecurÂrent musÂcle injuries
ChronÂic fatigue
ChronÂic inflamÂmaÂtion and pain
Wound healÂing
VitÂaÂmin and elecÂtrolyte defiÂcienÂcy
DefiÂcienÂcy of vital subÂstances (micro- and macronuÂtriÂents)
The term kineÂsio tape is short for “kineÂsiÂoÂlogÂiÂcal tape”.
Seine AnwenÂdung, das Tapen, geht auf KenÂzo Kase zurĂĽck, einen japanisÂchen ChiÂroÂprakÂtikÂer, der Anfang der 70er Jahre mit dehnÂbaren VerÂbandsÂmaÂteÂriÂalien schmerzende Gelenke und Muskeln behanÂdelte. Ăśber die DekomÂpresÂsion an der Haut und der damit zusamÂmenÂhänÂgenÂden VerÂschiebung der unterÂschiedlichen GewebeschichtÂen kommt es zu einÂer Verbesserung der DurchÂbluÂtung sowie EntÂlasÂtung der betrofÂfeÂnen MuskelÂreÂgioÂnen. Vor allem die SpanÂnungsänÂderung der MuskuÂlatur, die SchmerzreÂdukÂtion durch den neuÂro-senÂsorischen Input sowie Verbesserung des LymÂphabflusses könÂnen durch die Anlage erreÂicht werÂden. Durch die korÂrekÂte Anlage könÂnen auch SchmerzÂmanÂageÂment und abschwellende MaĂźÂnahÂmen nach Unfällen (Sprung- oder KniegeÂlenksverÂdrehunÂgen, akute SchwellunÂgen) durch StaÂbilÂität erreÂicht werÂden. Durch das myofasziale Release erfolÂgt eine EntÂlasÂtung der BeschwÂerÂden, ohne das betrofÂfene Gelenk vollÂständig immoÂbilÂisieren zu mĂĽssen.
Areas of appliÂcaÂtion
MusÂcle injuries (pain, strains, overuse, fibre tears)
Joint injuries (pain, overÂloadÂing, inflamÂmaÂtion, swelling, instaÂbilÂiÂty)
LigÂaÂment injuries (pain, overÂloadÂing, inflamÂmaÂtion, torn ligÂaÂments)
Water retenÂtion (oedeÂma)
OrigÂiÂnatÂing from TraÂdiÂtionÂal ChiÂnese MedÂiÂcine (TCM), this highÂly effiÂcient treatÂment conÂcept with few side effects has long since estabÂlished itself in the WestÂern world.
AcupuncÂture is based on the Yin & Yang docÂtrine, includes the five eleÂments and the docÂtrine of meridÂiÂans (enerÂgy chanÂnels). The startÂing point is Qi, a life enerÂgy that flows through everyÂthing. If blockÂages, injuries or chronÂic comÂplaints occur, the Qi is blocked and the enerÂgy flow is interÂruptÂed. The aim of the neeÂdles is to rebalÂance the blocked enerÂgy and stimÂuÂlate self-healÂing.
The approxÂiÂmateÂly 400 acupuncÂture points are locatÂed on the meridÂiÂans, with each point being assigned to an organ or organ cirÂcuit with a corÂreÂspondÂing healÂing effect. By placÂing the neeÂdles on the acupuncÂture point accordÂing to the sympÂtoms, stimÂuÂlaÂtion takes place, which then trigÂgers a reacÂtion in the nerÂvous sysÂtem that has a reflex effect on the tarÂgetÂed organ, organ cirÂcuit and tisÂsue.
The inserÂtion may be painful for a brief moment, which indiÂcates that the right point has been found. The neeÂdles then remain in the skin for approx. 20–30 minÂutes and are removed afterÂwards. For a lastÂing effect, espeÂcialÂly if your sympÂtoms are chronÂic, the treatÂment should be carÂried out regÂuÂlarÂly.
AcupuncÂture proÂmotes the regenÂerÂaÂtion of your tisÂsue and also has a very relaxÂing and soothÂing effect. Patients are often surÂprised by how quickÂly it works. That’s why we offer acupuncÂture in our pracÂtice as an alterÂnaÂtive healÂing method to conÂvenÂtionÂal medÂiÂcine as part of our range of therÂaÂpies.
AnothÂer therÂaÂpy option for regenÂerÂaÂtion is dry needling — intraÂmusÂcuÂlar stimÂuÂlaÂtion (IMS) of trigÂger points.
MyofasÂcial trigÂger points are one of the most comÂmon causÂes of chronÂic pain in the musÂcuÂloskeleÂtal sysÂtem. Dry needling can be used to treat myofasÂcial trigÂger points and fasÂcia. The sterÂile neeÂdles are insertÂed into the relÂeÂvant areas to release tense musÂcles and fasÂcia.
In detail: The inserÂtion into the trigÂger point trigÂgers a local twitchÂing of the hard tenÂsion cord (tense musÂcle fibre bunÂdle). The twitchÂing as a reacÂtion to the puncÂture stimÂuÂlates the oxyÂgen supÂply to the tisÂsue, improves blood cirÂcuÂlaÂtion, loosens the adheÂsions of the fasÂcia strucÂtures and reduces inflamÂmaÂtion of the respecÂtive trigÂger points. The aim is to restore norÂmal blood cirÂcuÂlaÂtion in the trigÂger points so that the pain disÂapÂpears. Many patients describe and expeÂriÂence the moment of the puncÂture, the “twitchÂing reacÂtion” as a pleasÂant “feel-good pain” and as relievÂing.
We use dry needling sucÂcessÂfulÂly as a pain therÂaÂpy in our pracÂtice. You can find out more about this in conÂsulÂtaÂtion hours, in direct diaÂlogue with the docÂtors.
CryotherÂaÂpy is a medÂical treatÂment with cold, neuÂroreÂflecÂtive cold therÂaÂpy, in which the CO2 laser-conÂtrolled CRYÂOLIGHT® is used.
It is used for acute pain, injuries and swelling. The priÂmaÂry aim is to elimÂiÂnate pain. By coolÂing the tisÂsue to approx. 4–0° degrees, the pain recepÂtors and nerve fibres are virÂtuÂalÂly blocked. This can quickÂly reduce the pain, which lasts for up to 3 hours. An anti-inflamÂmaÂtoÂry effect can also be achieved.
In the case of injuries that swell due to the tisÂsue horÂmones hisÂtÂaÂmine, seroÂtonin and prostaglandins cause swelling, overÂheatÂing and pain, the inflamÂmaÂtoÂry mediÂaÂtors can no longer be sufÂfiÂcientÂly removed. Cold therÂaÂpy restores the parÂtial perÂmeÂabilÂiÂty of the vasÂcuÂlar memÂbrane so that inflamÂmaÂtoÂry mediÂaÂtors and the interÂcelÂluÂlar fluÂid can be removed via the vesÂsels again. In addiÂtion, the slow, cirÂcuÂlar moveÂments on the skin stimÂuÂlate the lymÂphatÂic vesÂsels for up to 30 minÂutes after the treatÂment, which allows the treatÂed area to deconÂgest.
Areas of appliÂcaÂtion
Acute injuries / swelling in (comÂpetÂiÂtive) sport
InflamÂmaÂtion after trauÂma
InjecÂtions for pain relief
TenÂdonitis or burÂsiÂtis, calÂciÂfiÂcaÂtions
ChronÂic joint inflamÂmaÂtion such as rheumaÂtism, osteoarthriÂtis or gout
If a conÂserÂvÂaÂtive approach is not sufÂfiÂcient, we can help with outÂpaÂtient surgery at the OutÂpaÂtient Surgery CenÂter Berlin and St. GerÂtrauÂden HosÂpiÂtal .
Arthroscopy is a joint-preÂservÂing proÂceÂdure.
The arthroÂscope, usuÂalÂly conÂsistÂing of an optiÂcal sysÂtem of rod lensÂes, a light source and an irriÂgaÂtion and sucÂtion device, is insertÂed into the joint space through two small inciÂsions in the skin. This allows the affectÂed joint, which is disÂplayed directÂly on the monÂiÂtor, to be examÂined and, if necÂesÂsary, treatÂed immeÂdiÂateÂly. Arthroscopy is part of minÂiÂmalÂly invaÂsive surgery, which tends to covÂer minor injuries.
If a joint can no longer fulÂfill its funcÂtion or is restrictÂed in its moveÂment, an endoÂprosÂtheÂsis, an artiÂfiÂcial joint, is insertÂed. This serves as a joint replaceÂment and should remain in the body for as long as posÂsiÂble.
8–12 am / 3–6 pm
8 am – 12 pm
9–11 am
* PriÂvate & Self-PayÂers
8–9 am / 3–4 pm
8 – 9 am