First and foreĀmost, sports medĀiĀcine serves to preĀvent illĀness by proĀvidĀing accomĀpaĀnyĀing care for athĀletes to help them plan and periĀodize their trainĀing and regenĀerĀaĀtion and reach their full potenĀtial. In our diagĀnosĀtics, we take deep staĀbilĀiĀty and deep mobilĀiĀty into account, as well as recĀogĀnizĀing posĀsiĀble incorĀrect posĀtures that could lead to injuries in the future. Based on our many years of sucĀcessĀful colĀlabĀoĀraĀtion with AdiĀdas and EXOS, we have put togethĀer trainĀing plans that we pass on to our patients for preĀvenĀtive use. This results in medĀicalĀly ambiĀtious planĀning that minĀiĀmizes the risk of injury.
An acute injury occurs sudĀdenĀly, withĀout warnĀing. The most comĀmon acute injuries include bruisĀes, sprains, disĀloĀcaĀtions and broĀken bones, as well as injuries to musĀcles, tenĀdons and ligĀaĀments. Through our years of work in resĀcue cenĀters, the first point of conĀtact for acute care, and the care of our athĀletes in comĀpeĀtiĀtion sitĀuĀaĀtions from the sideĀlines, we have gained the necĀesĀsary experĀtise to be able to treat acute injuries immeĀdiĀateĀly.
These are chronĀic sports injuries caused by overuse of the joints, ligĀaĀments and musĀcles, also known as overuse injuries. They are caused by excesĀsive trainĀing and overexĀerĀtion and are one of the most comĀmon causĀes of sports injuries. These include, for examĀple, runnerās knee (IT band synĀdrome), Girdās synĀdrome (throwerās shoulĀder), jumperās knee (patelĀlar tenĀdiniĀtis), golferās elbow or heel spur/plantar fasciĀitis.
Whether through sport, too litĀtle exerĀcise or work, the natĀurĀal aging process can lead to chronĀic wear and tear of the joints (knees, hips or finĀgers), spine and tenĀdons, often caused by uneven or excesĀsive strain. Those affectĀed sufĀfer from chronĀic pain.
For us, the treatĀment of chronĀic wear and tear is about alleĀviĀatĀing this pain and mainĀtainĀing the funcĀtions of the joint, spine or tenĀdon.
AnothĀer field of sports medĀiĀcine is perĀforĀmance diagĀnosĀtics. It includes a series of tests and examĀiĀnaĀtions that proĀvide you with inforĀmaĀtion about your curĀrent state of health, your perĀforĀmance and your resilience. Whether you are a recreĀationĀal or comĀpetĀiĀtive athĀlete, the sports medĀical examĀiĀnaĀtion is availĀable to athĀletes of all ages and is now covĀered by many health insurĀance comĀpaĀnies. With the help of perĀforĀmance diagĀnosĀtics, you can get to know your body betĀter and define trainĀing sesĀsions and regenĀerĀaĀtion phasĀes more specifĀiĀcalĀly.
Dr. Pouria Taheri accomĀpaĀnied the adiĀdas runĀners team from L.A. to Las Vegas and took care of the athĀletesā sports medĀiĀcine.
8ā12 am / 3ā6 pm
8 am ā 12 pm
9ā11 am
* PriĀvate & Self-PayĀers
8ā9 am / 3ā4 pm
8 ā 9 am