


SportmediĀ­zin und PrƤvenĀ­taĀ­tion in Berlin



First and foreĀ­most, sports medĀ­iĀ­cine serves to preĀ­vent illĀ­ness by proĀ­vidĀ­ing accomĀ­paĀ­nyĀ­ing care for athĀ­letes to help them plan and periĀ­odize their trainĀ­ing and regenĀ­erĀ­aĀ­tion and reach their full potenĀ­tial. In our diagĀ­nosĀ­tics, we take deep staĀ­bilĀ­iĀ­ty and deep mobilĀ­iĀ­ty into account, as well as recĀ­ogĀ­nizĀ­ing posĀ­siĀ­ble incorĀ­rect posĀ­tures that could lead to injuries in the future. Based on our many years of sucĀ­cessĀ­ful colĀ­labĀ­oĀ­raĀ­tion with AdiĀ­das and EXOS, we have put togethĀ­er trainĀ­ing plans that we pass on to our patients for preĀ­venĀ­tive use. This results in medĀ­icalĀ­ly ambiĀ­tious planĀ­ning that minĀ­iĀ­mizes the risk of injury.

Acute Injuries

An acute injury occurs sudĀ­denĀ­ly, withĀ­out warnĀ­ing. The most comĀ­mon acute injuries include bruisĀ­es, sprains, disĀ­loĀ­caĀ­tions and broĀ­ken bones, as well as injuries to musĀ­cles, tenĀ­dons and ligĀ­aĀ­ments. Through our years of work in resĀ­cue cenĀ­ters, the first point of conĀ­tact for acute care, and the care of our athĀ­letes in comĀ­peĀ­tiĀ­tion sitĀ­uĀ­aĀ­tions from the sideĀ­lines, we have gained the necĀ­esĀ­sary experĀ­tise to be able to treat acute injuries immeĀ­diĀ­ateĀ­ly.

Sports RelatĀ­ed Overuse

These are chronĀ­ic sports injuries caused by overuse of the joints, ligĀ­aĀ­ments and musĀ­cles, also known as overuse injuries. They are caused by excesĀ­sive trainĀ­ing and overexĀ­erĀ­tion and are one of the most comĀ­mon causĀ­es of sports injuries. These include, for examĀ­ple, runnerā€™s knee (IT band synĀ­drome), Girdā€™s synĀ­drome (throwerā€™s shoulĀ­der), jumperā€™s knee (patelĀ­lar tenĀ­diniĀ­tis), golferā€™s elbow or heel spur/plantar fasciĀ­itis.

Wear and Tear DisĀ­eases

OsteoarthriĀ­tis, osteoĀ­chonĀ­droĀ­sis & tenĀ­don degenĀ­erĀ­aĀ­tion

Whether through sport, too litĀ­tle exerĀ­cise or work, the natĀ­urĀ­al aging process can lead to chronĀ­ic wear and tear of the joints (knees, hips or finĀ­gers), spine and tenĀ­dons, often caused by uneven or excesĀ­sive strain. Those affectĀ­ed sufĀ­fer from chronĀ­ic pain. 

For us, the treatĀ­ment of chronĀ­ic wear and tear is about alleĀ­viĀ­atĀ­ing this pain and mainĀ­tainĀ­ing the funcĀ­tions of the joint, spine or tenĀ­don. 

PerĀ­forĀ­mance DiagĀ­nosĀ­tics

AnothĀ­er field of sports medĀ­iĀ­cine is perĀ­forĀ­mance diagĀ­nosĀ­tics. It includes a series of tests and examĀ­iĀ­naĀ­tions that proĀ­vide you with inforĀ­maĀ­tion about your curĀ­rent state of health, your perĀ­forĀ­mance and your resilience. Whether you are a recreĀ­ationĀ­al or comĀ­petĀ­iĀ­tive athĀ­lete, the sports medĀ­ical examĀ­iĀ­naĀ­tion is availĀ­able to athĀ­letes of all ages and is now covĀ­ered by many health insurĀ­ance comĀ­paĀ­nies. With the help of perĀ­forĀ­mance diagĀ­nosĀ­tics, you can get to know your body betĀ­ter and define trainĀ­ing sesĀ­sions and regenĀ­erĀ­aĀ­tion phasĀ­es more specifĀ­iĀ­calĀ­ly.

PreĀ­venĀ­tion begins with a trainĀ­ing schedĀ­ule and its focussed impleĀ­menĀ­taĀ­tion.

The Speed Project

Dr. Pouria Taheri accomĀ­paĀ­nied the adiĀ­das runĀ­ners team from L.A. to Las Vegas and took care of the athĀ­letesā€™ sports medĀ­iĀ­cine.


About us

WelĀ­come to our cutĀ­ting-edge orthoĀ­peĀ­dic pracĀ­tice, where a team of sports medĀ­iĀ­cine speĀ­cialĀ­ists, highĀ­ly trained and pasĀ­sionĀ­ate athĀ­letes themĀ­selves, brings a unique dimenĀ­sion to our holisĀ­tic approach. Beyond treatĀ­ing injuries and chronĀ­ic issues, we speĀ­cialĀ­ize in both operĀ­aĀ­tive and conĀ­serĀ­vĀ­aĀ­tive therĀ­aĀ­py, utiĀ­lizĀ­ing the newest techĀ­noloĀ­gies and cross linkĀ­ing approachĀ­es. Our dedĀ­iĀ­catĀ­ed pracĀ­tiĀ­tionĀ­ers craft indiĀ­vidĀ­ual therĀ­aĀ­py plans that inteĀ­grate mindĀ­set, nutriĀ­tion, trainĀ­ing, and recovĀ­ery. ValuĀ­ing your time, we priĀ­orĀ­iĀ­tize effiĀ­cienĀ­cy with state-of-the-art schedĀ­ulĀ­ing, strivĀ­ing to make your medĀ­ical expeĀ­riĀ­ence betĀ­ter than ever. Your health and perĀ­forĀ­mance, at the core of our pasĀ­sionĀ­ate comĀ­mitĀ­ment, are guidĀ­ed towards a betĀ­ter qualĀ­iĀ­ty of life, applyĀ­ing the latĀ­est advanceĀ­ments in orthoĀ­peĀ­dic care.

ConĀ­sulĀ­taĀ­tion Hours


8ā€“12 am / 3ā€“6 pm


8 am ā€“ 12 pm


9ā€“11 am 

* PriĀ­vate & Self-PayĀ­ers

Acute ConĀ­sulĀ­taĀ­tion Hours


8ā€“9 am / 3ā€“4 pm


8 ā€“ 9 am


MON ā€“ FRI   8 am ā€“ 1 pm

ConĀ­sulĀ­taĀ­tion Hours

MO, DI & DO   8ā€“12 / 15ā€“18 Uhr
MI & FR           8ā€“12 Uhr
SA*                   9ā€“11 Uhr

* PriĀ­vate ConĀ­sulĀ­taĀ­tion

Acute ConĀ­sulĀ­taĀ­tion Hours

MO & DO   8ā€“9 / 15ā€“16 Uhr
FR        &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp  8ā€“12 Uhr


MON ā€“ FRI   8 am ā€“ 1 pm