


sportsmed.berlin unter­stützt Ath­leten in Berlin

Ath­letes &
Team Sup­port

Whether teams or indi­vid­ual one-to-one sup­port, we sup­port ath­letes before and after com­pe­ti­tions with long-term prepa­ra­tion, plan­ning and advice. We know from expe­ri­ence that holis­tic sup­port con­cepts, which also focus on the indi­vid­ual needs of the ath­lete, ensure change, vis­i­ble progress and tan­gi­ble improve­ment in the long term. 



super­vised ath­letes

Every ath­lete deserves indi­vid­ual and sport-spe­cif­ic sup­port, espe­cial­ly when it comes to vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties or injuries. We sup­port indi­vid­ual ath­letes with holis­tic and sus­tain­able care con­cepts.


Indi­vid­ual, con­tem­po­rary and goal-ori­ent­ed to increase per­son­al ini­tia­tive.


We look after ath­letes of all kind of sports.

Mat­ter of the Heart

We proud­ly sup­port Box-Sportvere­in Schorfhei­de e.V. sport-med­ical­ly. We find the mod­ern club con­cept of offer­ing chil­dren and teenagers not only sport­ing sup­port through box­ing very strong. All those involved want to offer chil­dren and teenagers from com­pli­cat­ed back­grounds a place of retreat that gives them peace and strength through phys­i­cal activ­i­ty and also sup­ports them in their every­day wor­ries. Whether it is bul­ly­ing at school or the pro­fes­sion­al future (medi­a­tion of intern­ships and appren­tice­ships) this asso­ci­a­tion has made it its busi­ness to give all these chil­dren and teenagers the tools in hand, so that they can find their way in a world full of chal­lenges. There is always a con­tact per­son who is there for them. And we, as med­ical pro­fes­sion­als, are part of that. 


About us

Wel­come to our cut­ting-edge ortho­pe­dic prac­tice, where a team of sports med­i­cine spe­cial­ists, high­ly trained and pas­sion­ate ath­letes them­selves, brings a unique dimen­sion to our holis­tic approach. Beyond treat­ing injuries and chron­ic issues, we spe­cial­ize in both oper­a­tive and con­ser­v­a­tive ther­a­py, uti­liz­ing the newest tech­nolo­gies and cross link­ing approach­es. Our ded­i­cat­ed prac­ti­tion­ers craft indi­vid­ual ther­a­py plans that inte­grate mind­set, nutri­tion, train­ing, and recov­ery. Valu­ing your time, we pri­or­i­tize effi­cien­cy with state-of-the-art sched­ul­ing, striv­ing to make your med­ical expe­ri­ence bet­ter than ever. Your health and per­for­mance, at the core of our pas­sion­ate com­mit­ment, are guid­ed towards a bet­ter qual­i­ty of life, apply­ing the lat­est advance­ments in ortho­pe­dic care.

Con­sul­ta­tion Hours


8–12 am / 3–6 pm


8 am – 12 pm


9–11 am 

* Pri­vate & Self-Pay­ers

Acute Con­sul­ta­tion Hours


8–9 am / 3–4 pm


8 – 9 am


MON – FRI   8 am – 1 pm

Achtung: Baustelle auf Ecke Mark­grafen­straße & Rudi-Dutschke-Straße. Die Zufahrt über die Straße ist bis zum 23.04.2025 nicht möglich.


Bist du auf der Suche nach einem Job, der nicht nur span­nend, son­dern auch erfül­lend ist? In unserem jun­gen, dynamis­chen Team fördern wir deine per­sön­liche und beruf­liche Weit­er­en­twick­lung. Inter­essiert? Dann ver­liere keine Zeit und sende uns deine Bewer­bung!

Con­sul­ta­tion Hours

MO, DI & DO   8–12 / 15–18 Uhr
MI & FR           8–12 Uhr
SA*                   9–11 Uhr

* Pri­vate Con­sul­ta­tion

Acute Con­sul­ta­tion Hours

MO & DO   8–9 / 15–16 Uhr
FR        &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp  8–12 Uhr


MON – FRI   8 am – 1 pm